March 5, 2021
Social Media
Snapchat: What You Need to Know as a Parent

Parents Guide to Snapchat

Snapchat is one of the most popular Apps amongst teenagers. In fact, nowadays for many adolescents, are more likely to use Snapchat over Instagram thanks to the direct messaging features. The App first became popular with the rise of smartphones when you could start taking 'selfies'. This concept is what the App is built upon. Essentially, where friends can send or share funny selfies or 'snaps' via direct messaging which can be viewed for up to 10 seconds.

The App itself is a teenager's paradise compiling of the most up-to-date technology, filters, background, and emojis for both sending images or videos as well as messages. When sending a snap, the recipient can only view the image for 10 seconds, then as for direct messaging, you can only view the message once, after which it disappears.

Should I Be Concerned?

Although Snapchat does sound like a safe and fun App, like all social media it does have its dangerous side. Firstly, the App can be used for bullying, sending or receiving inappropriate images or videos such as sexts, and more. Due to the fact that a snap only lasts 10 seconds, messages instantly vanish, or that stories are taken down after 24 hours provides an opportunity for these issues to occur. Due to the fact the evidence goes away so quickly, there are unfortunately individuals out there who abuse the App for this reason. However, the app has no way to prevent screenshots or screen recordings. therefore, if your child does send, receive or share something which can be classified as bullying or inappropriate, this might still be out there somewhere.

Like anything, trying to keep up-to-date on the use of social media and what teenagers can do with it is challenging. However, these apps tend to have weekly updates meaning new features can be added quickly. Before you know it, your child is being exposed to several different things, you didn't know they could do on social media.

What Age Can You Use Snapchat?

To use Snapchat you should be a minimum of 13. Like any social media App, to sign up the App relies upon the user being truthful of their age. Once in the App, there are content filters to ensure you can only have access to or share age-appropriate images or videos. However, any user can change their age in a matter of seconds, meaning these filters are adapted.

Snapchat Discovery

For those of you who don't use the App, you might not know that the App actually has a discovery feature. This part is accessible to anyone in the world with new articles, top stories, brand adverts, or information on celebrities. The feature works based on the number of clicks. In other words, if a particular story or ad has been very popular this will appear at the top.

This is where the concerns regarding children's age can come into play. Anything that is inappropriate for the user's age will automatically be filtered from the discovery page so they can't see it. However, if your teenager is being untruthful in disclosing their age, they may be subject to sexual content or see articles related to the use of drugs or alcohol.

If there is a means of monitoring the age of your child on Snapchat as well as other social media platforms, this is perhaps something to consider. At TogetherAI we can help to empower your child to use social media in a safe way whilst ensuring they have the freedom of expression. In addition, we can monitor their usage. So, if on Snapchat they are a victim or the cause of cyber-bullying we can inform you as a parent to ensure you are aware of the situation.


When this feature was launched it came as a shock to many parents that users could share their location with anyone in the world without their knowledge. Now, the App has made updates to ensure that users can choose to hide their location on snap maps when not using the App or just to share this with their friends.

However, there continues to be a loophole when it comes to the location feature. Similar to Instagram or Facebook, you can tag your location which will be shared only amongst your friends. On Snapchat, there is an additional feature known as Our Story. This enables users to engage, read, and share their snaps from global events. For example, if there is a story on Glastonbury Festival. If a user were to share this on the Our story feed, their location and personal details would be shared with all other users which were engaging with this feature. In other words, anyone in the world can know your location.

Not many teenagers understand the consequence of this feature. Nor do they realize their location is shared with strangers across the globe. Therefore, parents need to explain to their adolescent children how this feature works and enable them to adjust this where necessary. It is important to discuss with your child what you consider safe usage of Snapchat. You can do this whilst still enabling them the freedom and empowerment to use the app. Quite frankly, young users often don't understand how their information can be shared across the internet therefore, it is fundamental this is communicated to them in a way that they understand.

How To Discuss Snapchat with My Child

Remember when discussing the use of social media Apps with your teens, not just the internet is to allow them to ask questions. Go into the conversation with the correct knowledge and allow them to speak with you. Understanding their perspective of safe usage is also useful. From here, you can demonstrate their positive actions of social media use whilst stating that it is important they take additional steps to remain safe in the online environment.

Here at TogetherAI, we have developed an App to help you and your family to navigate growing up in a digitalized world. We can help to understand any signs of distress of your child through online messaging as well as offer ways to empower the use of social media safely and securely.  Join the community today to find out more.

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Written by
Henry Leopold
Blogger, togetherAI